Dear Beerschot Family,
We, the Beeboys, would like to give you our highest gratitude and appreciation for your presence and your support beginning of October during the EHL and during last season while competing to obtain this EHL ticket. You have no idea what it meant for us to have you there, sending us all those positive messages. Some of you made the time in your busy schedules to live this journey in Barcelona with us. We know that those who couldn’t come where following us step by step through all the different media or at Beerschot.
Having the EHL tribunes in Barcelona coloured in purple has been a dream come true. You gave us wings. Unfortunately, the result is not what we hoped for, but thanks to your support, we were capable to do more than we thought was possible. We showed that Beerschot deserved to be on that European stage. Those germans didn’t expect to have so much difficulties to beat us.
We really hope that you will continue to follow and support us during this championship. “L’appétit vient en mangeant” and we are hungry for more. We’re going to need you if we want to continue to perform the way we did. We can only hope to see you on the side of the pitch, screaming, shouting us to victories. We promise to keep giving you everything we have and to make you and our club we all love, proud.
Thanks for the great time…and the great memories.
See you soon, we love you,
Your BeeBoys